Imagine a Life Experienced Fully

A  life where you cultivate hope and curiosity even in times of stress and adversity.Whether faced with a traumatic event, toxic stress, or everyday challenges this life can be yours, because deep inside of you there is an innate ability to not only survive, but to heal, grow, and thrive.

Treatment Modalities and Focus


Depression and or Anxiety
You’ve noticed some changes lately. Maybe you feel sad, hopeless, or don’t get any joy out of activities that used to be fun.  Is it depression? Maybe you feel worried or just uneasy. Maybe your anxious? It’s normal to have ups and downs or to have things you’re concerned about. You might be going through a difficult time. I will help you figure out if it’s actually a condition and what would help. No one has to suffer from anxiety disorder or depression. It’s a good idea to find out what’s happening before depression or anxiety has a chance to set in.

Often depression and anxiety can be treated similarly. Therapy can be tailored to an individual so that it works to reduce the symptoms of both disorders and create a plan to treat your depression, anxiety or both at the same time.


Anger and Rage
Anger is a common emotion and it can help relieve stress and be a motivation to solve issues.  Anger has risks as it can alienate people and lead to decisions that may be regretful. Some people are aware of an anger problem, some are not.  Anger is not something you can get rid of as it is a normal emotion shared by everyone. Frequent anger can affect daily actions, relationships and can become highly destructive and create many personal problems.

There are strategies to help learn how to control your frustration and anger so that they do not control you.  Although anger cannot be cured, the intensity can be managed so the effect is not destructive. Patience can be developed to tolerate situations you cannot control.


Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress (PTSD)
Post-traumatic stress (PTSD) is a reaction to traumatic and or stressful events. PTSD can take place immediately after an experience or sometimes several years later.  PTSD is not an indication a person is weak or lacks resilience.  PTSD can occur after any type of physically or psychologically stressful event. PTSD is usually very treatable, and various treatment modalities  make it possible to overcome symptoms of PTSD and move on from post-traumatic stress altogether.

Therapy can help to make sense of experiences and feelings and develop plans and learn healthy coping skills.


Personality Disorders
People with this disorder are sensitive to rejection and have restricted ability to control their emotional impulses. A person who has this disorder feels very different inside from what the outward appearance shows.  Often it is hard to discipline actions.  There is a feeling of being out of control and that others don’t care or will disappoint. Living with borderline personality disorder makes is hard remembering the feeling of love and times will cause one to feel people or either with them or against them.  Many times one will feel abandoned, feel extreme mood swings feel suspicious, anxious and ignored.

Learning new coping skills can help with handling situations more appropriately when strong negative emotions arise. The goal of the therapist is to establish reasonable expectations to promote emotional acceptance and non-reactivity.  New skills can be taught to help define healthy ways of coping.